Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Infrared Photography in Yellowstone National Park

I started 2014 leading a workshop in Yellowstone National Park for Chris Weston's safari company “Magic Is” – I am now working regularly with them as a group leader and instructor and am leading two further workshops in Yellowstone in Jan/Feb 2015.

Yellowstone in winter turned out to be an IR photographers paradise and my IR modified X-E1 with the 14mm did great service as the images below show. This camera blows me away every time I use it and there was a great deal of interest from the 12 photographers in the group – so much so that I ended up doing a full presentation on Infrared photography one evening while we were there. My X-Pro1 and the XF55-200 also did good service as shown in the two bison shots at the bottom of this post.

Also pleased to report that both Fuji cameras worked faultlessly down to temperatures as low as -30C – even the batteries held out really well.

Here’s a selection of shots from the IR modified X-E1 using the XF14mm lens:

These 2 shots were taken on the standard X-Pro1 and converted to B&W in Silver Effex Pro2:

To see more of my infrared photography visit my website at www.simonweir.com


  1. How does this look any different from shooting with a red filter, monochrome and popping contrast a bit?

  2. An InfraRed camera sees a different spectrum of light which produces a completely different tonal palette to shooting with visible light with or without filter. IR is also absorbed and reflected differently to visible light and cuts through haze, producing very three-dimensional cloud effects in the images that cannot be reproduced with filters or post-production. Several post-production programmes have faux IR presets which do a bit of channel mixing, a B&W conversion and increase contrast but the end result is very different to the real thing - rather like red grape juice vs a fine burgundy !!

  3. Well your's are outrageous good Simon.
    Hope you are much better today. Johan Muller.Back at home
